Neurological examination is not an action standing on its own. It is a passionate activity
aiming to validate the “CLUE” that captures patient’s voice / complaints, which is
primordially embedded in his/her History. In other words: understanding neurological
examination is preceded by “a properly taken history” of the patient. A systematic
approach of the complaints/situation of neurological patients is considered extremely
important and used as a basis for a properly executed neurological examination and
interpreting the findings accordingly. Physicians should clearly understand the anatomic
structure of the whole nervous system and (end)organs involved in neurological
diseases. The History and Neurological examination are conjoint through the concept of
differentiating where possible between centrally and peripheral neurological disorders,
not neglecting situations that form an exception to the rules or combine both entities.
Through numerous tips and true cases we will be highlighting the value of the
neurological exam in an educative manner.